Welcome to
The Free Church of England
Gospel and Church for a new generation
We are an Anglican family made up of people of all ages, from many different backgrounds with different gifts and abilities. We have discovered that God loves us, and in turn we love each other and those around us. Everyone is welcome to join us and experience that love for themselves!
Church Planting
One of the most effective ways of making new disciples of Jesus is through church planting. The ministry of church planting is exhilarating, creative, and challenging. Click below to access our Church Planting Pathway document.
CHURCH PLANTINGExploring Ministry
To offer public ministry in the Free Church of England (FCE) means that you must be called, equipped and trained. The call is from God and however secure you may be in the fact that God’s call is real to you, others must discern that they perceive it too.
The Free Church of England has several vacancies. View them and the Parish Profiles below.
VACANCIESDenominational Safeguarding Adviser: The Revd Mark Spiers BA(Hons)