Another historic ordination for the Free Church of England! We give thanks to God for the ordination of the Revd Henry Birtley, from St Andrew’s, Revd Eric Fenwick, from Christ Church, Leigh-on-Sea, and Revd David Binder, who serves in HMP Prison, Doncaster. The ordinations were carried out by Bishop of the Southern Diocese, the Right Revd Paul Hunt with assistance from the Revd Mark Spiers, Revd Terry Brighton and Mr Andrew Ormond. This is now the second, triple ordination to take place in the FCE after the same three men’s ordination to the diaconate in July, last year.
Please continue to pray for Revd Henry, Revd Eric and Revd David as they preach God’s word as presbyters in the FCE.
The ordination service took place at St Andrew’s Church, Bentley and was well-attended. Continue to pray for these new presbyters as they continue their ministries and preach God’s word.