Anglican Ecclesiology and the Gospel: The Renewing of a Vision


By John Fenwick (ISBN 978-0-9970167-6-5)
Anglican House Media Ministry, Inc., Newport Beach, California.

This book is about a vision for the Gospel.
That vision is simply that the Free Church of England, combining within herself all that is good in the Catholic heritage of historic Christianity with the clarity and fervour of a faith rooted in the Scriptures, is therefore able to be, in God’s hands, a vehicle for the bringing of the Gospel of God’s saving work in Jesus Christ to the peoples of the British Isles and beyond.
It is a vision that we believe to be capable of much wider application and therefore respectfully offer it to the Churches of the Anglican family and all the faithful in Christ Jesus’ (page 1).

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C. FitzSimons Allison, 12th Bishop of South Carolina.

‘This work will be indispensable for the future of Anglican orthodoxy. The Vision of Anglican Ecclesiology and Gospel is exactly that. … An extraordinarily wide-ranging scholarly survey of the current world-wide Anglican scene. The Gospel in the title shines through ….’

Bishop David C. Anderson, Chairman of the Board, The American Anglican Council

‘Few books are a classic and indispensable the moment they are published, but I believe Anglican Ecclesiology and the Gospel fulfills this. … It is a book you will not want to put down until you have finished it, thought about it, and then reread at least part of it again. … You not only should have this book, you will enjoy this book and the time spent moving through it.’

The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis, Chairman of the Anglican Global South, Archbishop of the Episcopal/Anglican Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa

‘Many of the problems that are happening in the Anglican Communion today are the outcome of a lack of understanding of Anglican Ecclesiology. Bishop John Fenwick, through this outstanding book, helps us to better understand the nature of our church. … I highly recommend this book.

The Rev. Canon Larry Bausch, President, Forward in Faith, North America.
‘Anglican Catholics and Evangelicals in particular will be both challenged and inspired by this important book.’

The Most Reverend Foley Beach, Archbishop and Primate, Anglican Church in North America.
‘A compelling theological and historical analysis of Anglican ecclesiology, and its imperative for proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.’

The Most Revd. Royal Grote, Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church.
‘This book will be a very useful resource in the challenge of rebuilding an orthodox Anglican Communion.’

The Right Revd Donald F. Harvey, Episcopal Vicar Anglican Network in Canada
‘This superb book will stand in equal honour with so many of the masterpieces to which it refers.’

The Rt. Rev. David L. Hicks, Bishop Ordinary, ACNA Diocese of the Northeast & Mid-Atlantic/ Chancellor of Reformed Episcopal Seminary, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania/Chairman, ACNA Holy Orders Task Force.

‘This work may be considered a primer for all who would understand the Anglican way, and it should be on the reading list for anyone aspiring to ordained ministry in the Anglican Church.’

The Most Rev. Anthony A. Mikovsky, Prime Bishop – Polish National Catholic Church, Archbishop of the Union of Scranton

‘It is important to understand that several Churches, like the Free Church of England and my own PNCC, although small, have confronted the missteps of the larger Christian traditions and have held firm to the convictions and faith of the early Church. … I highly recommend this work to those seeking to better understand not only the Free Church of England (and her communion partners throughout the world), but also to understand what is truly at stake in many of the divisive issues of the present day.’

Bishop Martyn Minns, Deputy Secretary/ Executive Director Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans 2011-2014.
‘This book will be a source of great interest and encouragement for all those who hold to a vision of Anglicanism as most recently expressed in the words of the Jerusalem Declaration.’

The Right Revd Michael Nazir-Ali, President, Oxford Centre for Training, Research, Advocacy and Dialogue.

‘A fine piece of Anglican ecclesiology. … This book is too important only to be serving the purpose for which it is written – it is not simply about the Free Church of England. Rather, it should rather be seen as a charter for Anglicanism, around which orthodox-minded people might gather.

The Revd Dr James I. Packer, Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia.
‘A broad-based, erudite, even momentous book …. Skilfully argued, with apostolicity as its unifying theme, it is a very enriching, challenging, and even compelling read … the good things that we have here are exciting to the last degree.’

The Rt. Rev. Ray R. Sutton, ACNA Dean of the Province and Ecumenical Affairs.

‘Bishop John Fenwick has given us in one single volume an Ecclesiology faithful to the Gospel and the Scriptures, the Ancient and Undivided Church, and the important English Reformation as understood to be a return to the Word of God and historic Church, while not revising or innovating the faith once delivered. … This volume therefore is the perfect companion to the revered Archbishop Michael Ramsey’s classic work, The Gospel and the Catholic Church. ‘

Rev. Canon Dr. John Senyonyi, Vice Chancellor, Uganda Christian University.

‘Bishop Fenwick’s book is invaluable for an age that is gradually ripping historical Christianity apart, and which is in danger of bequeathing to the next generation a Church without the Gospel of Christ. … I unreservedly endorse this book. I pray that it will bless many and cause us to walk faithfully in “the faith once delivered to the saints”.’

The Rev’d Dr. Henry L. Thompson III (Laurie), Interim Dean President, Trinity School for Ministry.
‘An easily accessible volume that will be invaluable to many. … A creative vision for weaving the trajectory of the past into the hope and possibilities of the future.’

Bishop Trevor Walters, Western Region Suffragan Bishop, Anglican Network in Canada.

‘Here is that literary rarity: a most scholarly work that is, plain and simply, also a “good read.” … It is a vision of the future that I can heartily commend to any and all who seek unity within Anglicanism.’


Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.

Billy Graham

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.

C. S. Lewis

Press forward. Do not stop, do not linger in your journey, but strive for the mark set before you. Fight the good fight of faith, and God will give you spiritual mercies.

George Whitefield

It is also our apostolic mission to enable all our people to develop into effective ambassadors of Christ in the Church and in the world.

Bishop John Fenwick

Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.

Billy Graham

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.

C. S. Lewis