Christian Partners

The Free Church of England (otherwise known as the Reformed Episcopal Church of the United Kingdom and Ireland) shares a common Episcopate with the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC). The REC has dioceses in USA, Canada, Cuba, Croatia and Germany. In addition, the Reformed Episcopal Church is a subjurisdiction of the Anglican Church in North America.

The ACNA is in full communion with the Free Church of England, and ‘recognises their congregations, clergy, and sacraments, while pledging to work together for the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ and the making of his disciples throughout the world’. The ACNA is a biblically orthodox and missionally-driven expression of historic Anglican faith that unites over 100,000 Christians in following Jesus and being part of the “one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.”

Known previously as the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans in the UK, GAFCON UK unites theologically orthodox, fervently missional Anglicans around the United Kingdom in prayer, friendship, partnership and action. GAFCON UK is part of the GAFCON movement. Our Bishop Primus is part of the GAFCON UK Panel of Reference.

The Free Church of England is part of Churches Together in England. Churches Together in England (CTE) is an ecumenical organisation and the national instrument for the Christian church in England. It coordinates the work of the different Churches.

Free Churches Group is an ecumenical association of Free Church denominations and Church groups who are engaged in public ministry, enabling member organisations to meet their calling in the public circle by providing national chaplaincy support in the fields of healthcare, prisons and education.


Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.

Billy Graham

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.

C. S. Lewis

Press forward. Do not stop, do not linger in your journey, but strive for the mark set before you. Fight the good fight of faith, and God will give you spiritual mercies.

George Whitefield

It is also our apostolic mission to enable all our people to develop into effective ambassadors of Christ in the Church and in the world.

Bishop John Fenwick

Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.

Billy Graham

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.

C. S. Lewis